Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Who creates eTraining platforms?

Virtual eTraining is a European company that provides a platform for businesses to provide training and learning to their colleagues. They push for customized learning, reusing you existing documentation to save money, and developing courses based on specific needs. They use a Learner Management System (LMS) as reporter and user administration to provide the company with information about who is participating, what they are training, and their progression on each course. With iPads and tablets sales skyrocketing businesses are leaning more towards mobile training, so the company is staying current by developing software and programs that will run on iOS and other devices. The company provides a film crew that will allow the company to work alongside the team in creating videos for their colleagues to have a more interactive training experience. 
These concepts are all surrounding the technological advancements in the workplace that focus on driving down costs for businesses. Virtual eTraining has created a 360-degree technology program that gives the user the most interactive and cost effective experience to better service employees.

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